This weekend was full of wonderful things! We had the honor of dedicating our three youngest children at LCBC...Family dedication is when we stand before the church and basically say that we are going to raise our children in a God following home, and that we will be teaching them Gods word. The kids did well, Everett was very anxious so he was trying to get away the whole time but Daddy was on top of that! Lots of friends and family were there to watch and pray for us...thanks to all!! Church was also very exciting because I was able to witness someone truly showing God's love through who she brought to church with her...sis you know who you are and I LOVE YOU and I am soooo proud of you!!!
So far with the candy fundraising I have been amazed with one box being sold already...by Larissa and family...it brought in $90.50 (when it should bring in $78.00) so we made $51.00 profit from one box!!! If anyone else is interested in helping with selling a box of candy please let me know and I will be MORE then happy to get a box to you!!!!
We collected some cell phones and ink cartridges and I believe that I am up to $11.25 from collecting unused items...our God it to good to us!!!
I was intending to travel to our homestudy office today to turn in everything but I believe that I am going to wait until I receive copies of our clearances in the mail (which should be tues or wed this week) bc I do not think that the agency can do anything before they are in.
Ryan and I have decided to go on a "spending freeze" for the next 2 weeks...I am a tad bit nervous bc we usually have to run around alot. And talk about something awesome, God has already helped in the running department...one of my appointments canceled on me today! so we are at home all day!!!!! I love the lazy days at home...looks like laundry!!!
oh and the cute pic at the top has nothing to do with the weekend I just thought that it was cute!!!
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