Do I sacrifice one for many or many for one? Every time I ask myself that question God makes it very clear that the one is WORTH IT! and God has the others...and I KNOW HE DOES, but you know when you just cannot feel it...I just want done with the trauma crap and the recurring trauma due to continuing behaviors that I HAVE TO FIGHT FOR SERVICES over ugh...
Tomorrow I have 3 hours of in home therapy from 9-12...then taking my "newly traumatised" child to therapy from 1:30-2:15 rushing home to take another one to an eval (that is necessary for those services that I fight for) from 3:30-4:30, coming home making dinner getting 4 kids settled and rushing out again to yet another therapy appointment from 7-8...I am not sharing this for pity or praise just transparency...
The teachers, principals, therapy staff, other parents, friends, family, co-workers, anyone that interacts with my family PLEASE understand that I am running a marathon that I did not have time to train for, I was thrown into the mix and forced to run or fail. At times there are sprints that leave me breathless and exhausted, such as this time. I am asking for understanding that my children's needs change on a daily basis. I am asking for forgiveness that I may fail sometimes with returning calls, texts, e-mails, school papers, smiles. I cannot be everything that everyone wants me to be...but I can be EVERYTHING that God has asked me to be!
So to end my rant...please know that if I can succeed at running this marathon YOU can succeed at ANYTHING that GOD asks you to do!! My attitude is not always JOY filled but my spirit is always renewed in Him!!!!